Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Losing a loved one!

Losing a loved one is never easy, it sometimes can be really difficult for people who do not know how to handle grief. I do personally cannot stand going to funerals, my first funeral I attended was my Grandfather Smith's when I was 5, my next was my Father's at age 17, since then I have been to a couple of visitations, but no funerals. I would have went to my Grandma Smith's had I known that she had passed away, I found out 3 months after it had happened.

As many of you know my Aunt Betty had been battling cancer for the last 9 months and my Mom had put her life on hold to go and help her fight through this not only physically but spiritually as well. My Mom and my Aunt Betty were as close as two sisters could be. They look alot alike, act very much the same, and have always been there for each other and for my Mom to be there until the very end with Betty, certainly had to be a struggle for her.

Betty had fought over the last couple of weeks hanging on with everything she had, and there is no doubt in my mind that because of her hanging on, someone in that hospital has been blessed by either Betty's strength, my family's faith, my cousin Heather's church's unity in helping out, or any number of things that have transpired because of Betty being in the hospital and the belief that everyone there shared.

As for me, I am glad that the last time I saw her she was in good spirits. I like to remember the good in people and remember them for the impact that they have had on my life. My Mom told me some time ago that her and Betty prayed together every week that I would stop living for the world and start living and serving our God Almighty. Her prayer has been answered and I could not be any happier than I am today because of the faith they believed on my behalf.

Some of the best times in my life happened at Betty and Jody's house and I know I owe them sincere gratitude for all of the times they have looked out for me and some of the greatest hospitality that you could ever find any where. They were and amazing couple.

My Aunt Betty will be greatly missed, I wish I could have told her one last time how much she had meant to me and told her that I loved her and what a wonderful blessing she had been to me and my family!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss.

Diana Smith said...

First of all, I love you. I know that this is hard for you also especially with the way Brent is taking it brings back a lot of memories of your dad's death.

Betty was a great women! When she loved she loved whole heartily and she loved alot!

She was brave to make the decision she did when she was sick and just to keep her faith. She was a women of God and even in her last breath never doubted HIM.

It is comforting to know that she is no longer in pain. That she is with our Heavenily father.

Each of us were blessed to have her in our lifes.

Your mom is truly an amazing and dedicated person. To be there 100% of the way for Betty is breathtaking to love that much.

Betty would be so proud of you. I take that back Betty is so proud of you! Keep doing what you are doing and keep the strong faith, that is what she would have wanted.

I love you always,