Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So Proud! and a little sad too!

Well, I wanna start by saying how proud I am of my wife! She has been absolutely phenomenal lately and she just keeps getting better and better and I didn't think that was really possible but I guess it is when you start mixing in more of God! I had to be out of town this last weekend as many of you know, and unfortunately I missed a really good sermon or at least that's what I was told! I am sure it was a great sermon Ray doesn't have too many bad ones....well ok none! But I get back from my trip and my wife is all excited about what Ray talked about and has said that he preached a little on nagging! Now don't get me wrong Diana can nag a little, but the thing is as she has gotten closer to God the nagging has been slowly fading away and she is a woman of very strong faith and she has been letting her issues with me go to God alot longer than just this weekend I can tell you that! She has been doing it for months! Which in turn has been helping our relationship tremendously! God has been moving in her for awhile now and I am just so glad that she is allowing Him to be in control and learning that He has whats best for us and our family in mind!

Now to the sad part, I already missed this last Sunday at CP now we are missing a second Sunday, my second in a row, because we are going to visit our old church, but I just found out that Dave Hinman is preaching and I couldn't be happier. Dave is on of the most awesome people I have ever met and he is a great man of God. I cannot wait to see him and his lovely family this weekend! So I guess while I am sad for not being at CP, I am also glad that I get to see them!


Diana Smith said...

It will be weird and sad to miss Church on Sunday, but we still have small group training with our CP family!

I can not wait to see Dave and Robin. I miss them so much! It has been a LONG time since we got to hear Dave preach too.

O and I am pretty darn proud of you to btw. I love you!

Bonnie Smith said...

Tell Dave and Robin I said HI and that I miss them