Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank You for your prayers!

This is a photo to help you put a face with the name. My Aunt Betty has always been a very important figure in my life as well as my Uncle Jody. I feel like I am a million miles away from this situation and completely helpless. My mom (Bonnie Smith) has been in Texas since the 1st of July nursing her to health or at least trying to. My mom has been a nurse for 30+ years and this is probably one of the hardest times she will ever have because her and Betty are so close! Anyways please continue to pray for her and the entire Curtis family, she has been battling cancer for several months and she had been progressing rather well until the last two weeks she had been pretty weak and finally she had some blood work done and they said she had anemia, so that was causing her to be weak and they hospitialized her then the ran some more tests and things look a little bleak at this point as Betty had stopped breathing this morning! My cousins are flying out to be there and just pray for there safety as they travel and that God will move and still heal my Aunt Betty!

1 comment:

Diana Smith said...

I am praying for Aunt Betty! I am also praying for you, keep doing what you are with Brent! I love you!