Monday, May 19, 2008

Have you been ignoring God's plan for you?

Wow, I am on the blogger scene now and I love to write so this may not be such a great idea because I may be spending all of my time on here. Well lets start with this...since I have started going to this wonderful new church (oh I AM going to make a plug for Center Pointe here because the people are amazing and the messages are amazing and I am glad God put me and my family there) it is like God is in my ear each and everyday with something new.....I am not saying that He wasn't in my ear before giving me instructions at our old church but maybe (me being the pigheaded man that I am) I wasn't listening or accepting what He was saying. So the first time I ignored Him (that I actually new it was Him was back at Christmas), I had delivered some basketball hoops and some other stuff to this company in Columbus and there was this man who at 6am had come in for a temporary position that day and this guy just wreaked of alcohol...I mean it was kind of disgusting to even sit by him. God told me to pray to with Him, I didn't listen. Over the next couple of days after that I felt really bad for that man and I thought to myself (and told my wife because that's what I always do) what if I had prayed for him right there, who would it have hurt? Would he have given his life to Christ? I have never led anyone to Christ but I think that is mostly because I haven't really tried or maybe God just wasn't ready to use me yet, but I can tell you this I know deep down in my heart that God has a plan for me (and God bless her my mom has been saying this for years), I also know this because the Lord has been really preparing me to share this with someone else and maybe even the whole church if necessary. I am ready for that. This past Saturday I spent the afternoon at Kings Island with my family, as we were leaving I pass this man (maybe 30 or so) who is right by the exits and all these people are passing him by and he is just standing there crying, I walked by then God told me to go back and pray with him, I turned around after a moments hesitation approached the man and asked him if he was OK. He said he was fine and that it was just his contacts but the look on his face showed otherwise, I asked him again if he was OK and he assured me his was, I shook his hand and gave this man a hug and said "may God Bless you" to this man. I know I didn't pray with him but me even approaching him and doing what I did is a huge barrier for me. I don't know what effect if any it will have on this man but I do know the effect it had on me. I was already excited about the week and how it had gone, God had answered a major prayer request from me by providing me with a job that is allowing me to be home every night with my family and still make the B & B I need to provide for my family. That was huge, Diana and I are really wanting to plug into our new church and be a way bigger part of the ministry and this job allows us to do that. Also to anyone who reads this: I have to say that I love pastor Ray and his desire and passion he has for leading people to Christ, I read his blog almost daily and I can tell you that his excitement streams like windows media player through this computer! One last thing: I have a couple of family members that visited this past week who also attend a Baptist church and I would like some prayer for them. There were some things at CP that they are just not used to and it kind of bothered them but I think what bothers me the most is that idealistic view of how things are supposed to be, they have these set views on how church has to be and to me Ray gets it, CP gets it, it is all about leading people to Jesus our Lord and Saviour and nothing else, NOTHING ELSE, should matter. I mean come on people, 4 people gave their hearts to Jesus on Sunday we should be worried about that and not petty little differences of opinions....OH MAN I AM PUMPED UP NOW!....Now that's something to write home about!


Diana Smith said...

Wow! I just want you to know that I am so proud to be your wife! I can not believe the change that I see in you, you are on fire!!! Keep doing what you are doing!

Center Point is pretty awesome huh : )

I love you forever and always!

P.S. Always listen to what God is telling you because in the end you will be regretting it if you chose not to listen.

Chris Wall said...

You Rock, Scott!!! Your passion is contagious and I hope everybody at church gets an opportunity to grab on to the passion as well!!!!

Ray Brock said...

DUDE!!! Your a blogger and a Star Wars fan.... you were definitely led by God to CP!!! I agree with Chris, your passion is contagious. I can't wait to see what more God is going to do in your life --- YOU ROCK my friend!!!!