Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday.....Never Again!

Today was the first time that I have ever went out on Black Friday!!! And the last!!! We got to Wal-Mart in Milford at about 1/4 till 12 last night to get in line for some of the deals. We did get all of the things that we had targeted at Wal-Mart except for one thing (that I can get on ebay or for the same price). So with that said we waited in line strategically placing the six of us all of the stores. We did get to meet a nice Christian family that turns out knows Ray and Melissa and are currently searching for a church home, so I invited them to CP for the Nativity and for church on Sunday. We talked alot about their ministry (musical) and their walks with the Lord as well as ours. So all wasn't lost in a long night of chaos. We also did see some other friendly faces such as Kaitlyn Brock, Jan Strimple (not working, not sure how she pulled that off), John Strimple (working, he got the wrong end of that deal, lol), Robin saw Mark Day (at Kmart when we went to pick up Mom from work). So it was a fun yet very tiring day, but as I stated earlier I will never do it again!


Trish said...

Congrats on your first and last Black Friday. Missy and I decided to enjoy a quiet day at home. I think from the sounds of it, that was a good choice.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to attempt Black Friday shopping.