Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Something she forgot to mention

3 years ago today we were supposed to get married! By supposed to, I mean, we had a date set, invitations sent, people were planning on coming, we had done alot for this wedding. We had been going through some pretty tough things. I told her 2 weeks before this date that we needed to wait a little while longer before we got married. Oh man, she didn't take it too well. She thought by me saying that, that I didn't want to marry her anymore. That was not the case. She and I broke up for about a month, and then she started realizing that things were going to be better by waiting. Turned out I was right for once. 8 months later we got married and believe or not I think that month made us as strong as ever.

1 comment:

Diana Smith said...

It did and I realize that now. It it me hard that month that I not only lost the man that was suppose to be my husband, but my best friend.

You are an amazing friend, husband, and partner. I love you more than anything.